What To Expect
On the first Pentecost after the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, the church of Christ was founded in Jerusalem as recorded in Acts 2. This was a fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to build His church (Matthew 16:18). The church grew rapidly in those early days and spread throughout the Roman empire. Today the church of Christ continues as a non-denominational institution just as it was founded in the first century. It’s plea is to follow the Bible as it’s only guide. During the early days of United States history, various men from differing areas began to consider what was wrong with the Reformation movement. It had splintered into many denominations. Therefore, they realized we could not trust the creeds of men, but only the Bible. They believed “the Bible only makes Christians only,” and “speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.” Their desire was not to reform. Their desire was to restore the Church one reads about in the New Testament.

Our Worship is Simple
You will find that our worship services are planned to draw the participants closer to God while providing spiritual strength at the same time. No one is ever turned away, whatever the situation may be. We welcome all people from all areas of life to assemble with us and offer to God the worship He deserves.

Our purpose is to offer to God a worship as He would direct. With only the New Testament as our guide and the examples of the early church showing us the way, we spend time together in five simple acts of service. Those include on the Lord’s Day, congregational singing (Ephesians. 5:19), praying (1 Corinthians. 14:15), giving of our prosperity (1 Corinthians 16:1-2), remembering our Lord’s death in communion (Acts 20:7) and the preaching of God’s Word (2 Timothy 4:1-4). The reason we will stay with these five simple acts is due to what our Lord said in John 4:24 ~ God is Spirit, and those that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. Some visitors are pleasantly surprised when they encounter a worship service such as ours. With no instruments of music, everyone is encouraged to sing and the effect is astonishing and simply beautiful.

We are Christians Only
The church of the New Testament enjoyed a unity far different from the confusion of the religious world today. Many years before doctrines of men divided the believers, early Christians had no sectarian names, creeds, nor organizations.

The New Testament believers yielded to the divine authority of the scriptures. We today follow the teaching of Christ and His apostles, thus, are only Christians – just as were the disciples of the first century (Acts 11:26). Our teaching is Bible-centered since the Scriptures are all we need to direct our everyday lives. We are recognized only as Christians, nothing more and nothing less

You Will Find a Friendly Spirit
When one truly loves God, loving one another becomes a natural attitude and characteristic. Thus, friendliness is one of the natural attributes that comes with loving others. Our visitors, who will always receive a warm welcome, appreciate the cordial and courteous reception they experience from the members here. We hope you will accept our invitation to visit with us soon. It will be our pleasure to have you.

You Will Never Be Embarrassed
When you visit with us, you are our respected and honored guests. At the close of the sermon, those wishing to become Christians are invited to step to the front of the auditorium to let their wishes be known. No one will ever pressure you to do anything you do not wish to do. People are urged from the pulpit to accept the gospel and to yield to its call with deep spiritual conviction, but that is a personal decision and only you can make such a decision.We are

Governed Scripturally
The New Testament makes it clear that God expects each mature congregation to be governed in a specific way. We are to have elders to oversee our spiritual needs. This is done through teaching and prayers. Our elders are willing to talk with you at any time concerning your spiritual necessities. The deacons are the physical ministers, seeing to the material necessities of the church. Their work includes caring for those less fortunate, care of the building, and other physical service. The minister (with no scriptural governing authority) serves with all other members.